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Home Damage Caused by Poor Maintenance

Enjoying a relaxing evening at home is the dream for many homeowners, but homeownership has responsibilities that can't be ignored. Homeowner's insurance protects against accidents but does not protect the owner from termites and insect damage, bird or rodent damage, rust, rot, mold and general wear and tear.

Termites and Insect Damage Hiring a professional to treat the house before it becomes infested with termites or other insects is generally the best option. Many treatment companies offer a guarantee if coverage is maintained with annual treatments and inspections. Homeowners can prevent insects from entering the house by ensuring that soil or leaves near the house do not touch any wood parts of the house. Many insects live in the soil and will enter a house if there is a clear path via the soil; without a path, the chances of infestation are greatly reduced.

Preventing Bird and Rodent Damage Prevent rodents from entering the house by keeping foods covered and sealed while making sure there is no path for small animals to get inside. If they do, trap them and block the paths into the house. Simple traps can capture the animal and the entry path can be found with a close inspection of the house. Stuffing steel wool into the hole prevents additional critters from entering until it is properly repaired. Birds damage a house by setting up nests in places that cause damage or by finding a way into the attic. Woodpeckers of various types chip away at external wood if they detect insects beneath. Cover up broken vents with wire mesh to keep birds and rodents out, spray insect killer on woodpecker damage and fill with liquid nails before sanding and repainting to discourage birds and squirrels.

Excess Water Leads to Rust, Rot and Mold Water is essential to life and is also the source of rust, rot and mold. Rust forms on items containing iron that are exposed to moisture and air. It can be prevented by priming any metal parts that are exposed with a rust-neutralizing primer, available at most hardware stores. Rot and mold can also be halted by preventing water accumulation and making sure surfaces are properly treated. The paint should be mold resistant for areas like a bathroom or in other areas exposed to excess water. Furniture placed a few inches away from walls allows air to circulate and prevent mold. Use exhaust fans in bathrooms and use fans elsewhere to circulate air and prevent mold. Vacuuming helps by removing mold spores in the house before they begin to grow.

General Maintenance and Normal Wear and Tear Houses require maintenance on a regular basis, and normal wear and tear on a variety of things will eventually lead to some sort of failure. Every homeowner should routinely look over the house for problems. Once the owner is aware of a small problem, it is necessary to address the issue before it becomes a big problem.

Content provided by Helium Inc. This information is provided for your convenience; it is not intended as insurance advice. The views, opinions, and advice expressed in this article are solely those of the author and not those of Homesite Group Incorporated. Please consult your insurance carrier or agent for information regarding your policy or coverages.
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