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The Benefits of Renters Insurance for College Students

When children head off to college, they take a little piece of their parents' hearts with them. They also take a lot of stuff. In tow is some pretty expensive gear, including laptops, iPods, cell phones, and anything and everything they can cram into a trunk. Pack a renters insurance policy too, with replacement cost.

College is full of unexpected surprises and not all of them are good. Dorm rooms and off-campus apartments are hot targets for thieves, and anywhere you have dozens of kids, something's liable to break. College is expensive enough without having to replace a stolen laptop. Buying a renter's policy is a great way to save money and give yourself a little peace of mind.

Some homeowner's policies cover children away at college, but frequent claims, typically higher deductibles and limited coverage can make this an expensive choice. In most cases, policies won't cover children living off campus at all. Renters insurance is an inexpensive solution.

With so much new and expensive gear at risk, protecting it with renters insurance is the smart thing to do. College kids somehow manage to meet trouble halfway. Renters insurance provides several benefits.

Protection from Loss and Damage

It's a sad truth, but with so many expensive items available, dorm rooms and off-campus housing are prime targets for thieves. If that expensive, had-to-have laptop or MP3 player gets stolen, renters insurance can pay the full replacement cost if replacement cost value insurance was bought.

If you've ever been to a college party, you know that things happen. Things are spilled, pipes are somehow clogged, and occasionally something's set on fire. Renters insurance protects all the student's possessions from 16 different perils, including fire, vandalism, theft, and damage from smoke.

Consider the cost of replacing a new laptop. It can be anywhere from $700 to $2,000. The average renters insurance policy premium is in the neighborhood of $25 per month. Imagine if the damage goes beyond a laptop. Would you rather pay the $10,000 to replace everything -- or pay the premium? Renters insurance provides excellent value for the money.

Personal Liability

If someone were injured in the student's apartment or home, renters insurance can cover the costs. Unfortunately we live in a litigious society. Fortunately renters insurance can also cover the cost of court judgments and legal fees if you're sued.

Temporary Living Expenses

If the house or apartment where the student lives becomes unlivable due to a covered peril such as fire, renters insurance can pay the cost of temporary living expenses. Coverage will pay for the rent on a comparable house or apartment while repair work is being done.

College students, whether living on or off campus, are renting their home away from home. Protect the student's valuable personal property with a renters insurance policy.

Content provided by Helium Inc. This information is provided for your convenience; it is not intended as insurance advice. The views, opinions, and advice expressed in this article are solely those of the author and not those of Homesite Group Incorporated. Please consult your insurance carrier or agent for information regarding your policy or coverages.
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